These features are only available for Census Embedded customers. If you don’t see these options, please reach out to Customer Support.

Segment Management Links allow your customers to seamlessly configure segments on top of datasets in your chosen workspace.

Configuring customer segments is easy.

  1. Generate a Segment Management Link for your customer.
  2. Your customer configures how they want to segment data.
  3. The segment appears in your Census workspace.

By default, a Segment Management Link will expire after 24 hours. If you’d like them to last longer for your account, you can update this setting in your organization settings. You can also customize where users will be redirected after adding a new segment, as well as the logo that is used.

You can generate Segment Management Links via the Segment Management Link API. We recommend generating them just-in-time when users request to configure segments from your application.

  curl --request POST \
    --url \
    --header 'Authorization: <authorization>' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data '{
        "redirect_uri": ""

Once you’ve generated the Segment Management Link, you can send it directly to your customer to fill out, or embed the link directly in your application using Embedded Segment Management Links.