Census provides a robust set of alerts that can be used to monitor the health of your syncs. These alerts can be used to notify you when a sync is not running as expected, or when a sync has failed.

Our product docs cover the different alerts available on every sync.

Each of these alerts can be configured on a given sync configuration via the API. The alert_attributes field on the Create a new sync endpoint or the Update sync endpoint can be used to set up these alerts.

While open alerts on a given sync are not (yet) fetchable via the API, there is a way to get the alerts to your users, if you desire. Each workspace has a field called notification_emails, which is a list of additional emails to send alerts to. If your customer is interested in receiving these alerts, you may add their email as a notification email via the Update workspace endpoint.

Rather than someone’s personal email address, your customer may be interested in receiving these alerts via slack. They can then use our slack integration guide to get the email address to use for the notification_emails field.